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5 things to consider if you want to start practising Yoga at home

Catarina Esteves

Updated: Aug 18, 2021

It's week three of national lockdown here in the UK. By now, you've probably baked all the banana bread you could stand, finished that craft project you were supposed to finish by Christmas, and reached the end of Netflix. If you can relate (I certainly can!), don't fret, you can still give yoga a try from the comfort of your own home.

If you are considering restarting your practice during lockdown or giving Yoga a try at home, then there are a few things you should bear in mind to ensure you can practice safely and effectively.

1. Practice in a light, well ventilated and quiet corner of your house

Choose an airy and quiet place to practice Yoga, ideally next to a window with lots of natural light. We know this is not always possible, especially in smaller flats, but the quiet and good ventilation will help your mind to wind down and allow you to immerse yourself in the class, as if you were physically there.

2. Stick to one place and time

Yogi getting ready to practice
Stick to a routine - practice at the same time, same place

It's important to establish a routine too, so that your body and mind know that it's time to slow down and practice Yoga.

To help, try and stick to a weekly schedule that is feasible for you and try to practice always in the same place. Try your best to pick a time and place where you are least likely to be disturbed so you can commit to your practice without distractions, making the most out of each class.

3. Avoid heavy meals before practice

For optimal benefits and to avoid dizziness or other digestive/intestinal discomforts, avoid eating and drinking a lot or having heavy meals for at least an hour before practice, ideally 2 .

For more recommendations follow this link to our F.A.Q. page.

4. Practice facing East

Did you know your phone had a compass? If you're like me and have a poor sense of direction, time to test it out and find East. In Yoga, we like to follow nature, so we practice facing East, where the sun rises.

5. Choose a live-streamed class, on zoom or similar platform

This is especially important if you have never practiced before or don't have a lot of experience - choose to join a live-streamed class instead of a video-recorded one.

Yoga is aimed at healthy people and the techniques and poses we use in a class, if not done properly, can lead to injuries or other discomforts. Therefore, it is crucial to practice with an experienced teacher, knowledgeable in anatomy, who can correct you live and explain and demonstrate clearly how the exercise must be executed.

During a live-streamed class you can also pose questions, clarify any doubts you may have, or should anything not go according to plan.

Check our class schedule here.

Yogi practising Yoga at home
Choose a live-streamed class, especially if you're new to Yoga.

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